제5차 골다공증 전문가 양성을 위한 교육
행사구분 국내
행사명 제5차 골다공증 전문가 양성을 위한 교육
행사명(영문) 2008 Osteoporosis Expert Meeting
행사일자 2008.02.16 ~ 2008.02.17
장소 인천하얏트호텔
장소(영문) Incheon Hyatt Hotel
첨부파일 2008ExpertMeetingProgram20080115.doc
링크주소 https://www.koreanosteoporosis.or.kr/abstract/2008_spring/info.html
2008 Osteoporosis Expert Meeting (preliminary program)

☞ Date: Feb. 16-17 (Sat-Sun), 2008

☞ Venue: Incheon Hyatt Hotel (near the Incheon International Airport)

☞ Official Language: English (1st day) and Korean (2nd day)


1st day (Feb. 16th, Saturday)
Official Language: English
 Registration 08:30-08:50
 Opening remarks 08:50-09:00
  I. Risk Factors (Chairmen: Jung Gu Kim and Robert Wen-Wei Hsu) 09:00-10:40
    1. Epidemiology and socio-economic burden of osteoporosis and fracture.
      Nam H. Cho (Korea)
    2. Genetics and SNP analysis of osteoporosis.
      Dong Ock Lee (Korea)
    3. Nutrition and prevention of osteoporosis.
      Takako Hirota (Japan)
    4. Discussion. 10:20-10:40
Coffee Break 10:40-11:00
  II. Pathophysiology (Chairperson: Ghi Su Kim ) 11:00-12:00
    1. Primary osteoporosis. Yoo Mee Kim (Korea) 11:00-11:20
    2. Secondary osteoporosis. Chan Soo Shin (Korea) 11:20-11:40
    3. Discussion 11:40-12:00
Plenary Lecture: Chairman: Woong Hwan Choi  
Osteoclastogenesis and vitamin D. Tatsuo Suda (Japan) 12:00-12:40
Luncheon 12:40-13:40
  III. Bone Biology (Chairmen: Toshiyuki Yoneda , Hyun-Mo Ryoo) 13:40-15:00
    1. Regulation of osteoblast differentiation by BMP
      and Notch signaling. Akira Yamaguchi (Japan)
    2. Role of chondrocyte in bone. Ung-il Chung (Japan) 14:10-14:40
    3. Discussion 14:40-15:00
Coffee Break 15:00-15:20
  IV. Diagnostic Methods
     (Chairmen: Seoung-Oh Yang accepted, Deog Yoon Kim )
    1. The future of DXA – more than just BMD. Kevin Wilson (USA) 15:20-15:50
    2. QCT and biomechanics. Keenan (USA) 15:50-16:20
    3. Biochemical bone markers. Yoon-Sok Chung (Korea) 16:20-16:40
    4. Histomorphometric analysis. Satoshi Mori (Japan) 16:40-17:10
    5. Role of chondrocyte in bone. Ung-il Chung (Japan) 17:10-17:40
    6. Discussion 17:40-18:00
Dinner 18:00-20:00


2nd day (Feb. 17th, Sunday)
Official Language: Korean (English for overseas speakers)

Registration 08:00-08:30

Plenary Lecture: Chairman: Sung-Kil Lim

Role of vitamin D in osteoporosis treatment. Hajime Orimo (Japan)    08:30-09:10
  V. Treatments, new trends and perspectives 09:10-13:00
    A) Estrogen & SERM (Chairman: Hoon Choi ) 09:10-10:00
      1. Clinical & low dose estrogen. Hong-Yuan Huang (Taiwan) 09:10-09:30
      2. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. Byung Koo Yoon (Korea) 09:30-09:50
      3. Discussion 09:50-10:00
    B) Bisphosphonates (Chairman: Ye Yeon Won ) 10:00-11:00
      1. Daily or weekly bisphosphonates. Takayuki Hosoi (Japan) 10:00-10:25
      2. Monthly or yearly bisphosphonates. Dong Won Byun (Korea) 10:25-10:50
      3. Discussion 10:50-11:00
Coffee Break 11:00-11:20
    C) Anabolic agents (Chairman: Moo Il Kang ) 11:20-12:10
      1. Parathyroid hormone. Yumie Rhee 11:20-11:40
      2. Strontium ranelate. Ho-Yeon Chung (Korea) 11:40-12:00
      3. Discussion 12:00-12:10
    D) Surgery for osteoporotic fractures  (Chairman: JM Lee ) 12:10-13:00
      1. Spine fractures. Hak Sun Kim (Korea) 12:10-12:30
      2. Hip fractures. Robert Wen-Wei Hsu (Taiwan) 12:30-12:50
      3. Discussion 12:50-13:00
Luncheon 13:00-14:00
Closing remarks 14:00-14:20